Welcome to SeekHisFace.com

God loves you beyond measure. The purpose of this site is to help reveal that fact.

Lost and Dying?  

If you are lost and have run your last weary mile, don't give up. A peace and joy that is beyond all human understanding is freely available. Read scriptural references and life experiences herein -- discover how to call upon our savior and be made joyful and whole.

I am lost and want to be found or; 

If you are saved and a new creation in Jesus, this site is also for you. How to grow into an equipped victorious man or woman of God is revealed in the Holy Scripture -- which is fully available in this site. Look around and if you want to comment -- let us know.

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It is no secret, what God can do. What He has done, is doing and will do for others, he will do for you!  Renewal. 

If you are a Christian and are tired of walking apart from a lost and dying world on a parallel plateau, then join with us in seeking God's face.

As we seek His face, we turn toward Him ... forget the past, it is being destroyed behind us ... today is the time to seek God ... God controls the future ... Glory and honor to our Heavenly Father!

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